Well if you have watched the news at all today for the 4th time this year there has been an Broward Sherriff Officer shot to dead. What is going on with the world that they are hating on police officers. 3 officers in philly shot last week and a 21 year old black kid is caught and confessess here in miami to accidently killing one of the three, while being picked up at a homeless shelter. In today's incident a 76 year old officer was killed by a 40 year old who was to be serving 2 life sentences. The killer was enroute to a court hearing when he shot and killed the deputy. When will the madness end. REST N PEACE to all of the families that have lost a lost one who was an officer this year alone. To read more on the philly cop shootings go to http://ap.google.com/article/ALeqM5j8GjxkwPTSMKmh7BzC7_Ec3R84mgD8SO88S80
Crazy day in South Florida