A tribute to Janet Jackson


I can remember playing the Control album
Over & over on my record player
My father bought me on my 13th birthday
What an awesome record I thought
Janet was asking
“What have you done for me lately?”

I can remember being an awkward teenager
Not feeling very attractive
Bad skin and chubby
But when I would listen to Janet in my room
She made me feel like I was cool

I watched this girl grow and change
I guess I had a quiet crush on her
And then I grew and changed along with her
She said take control
And so I did, I moved to Atlanta right after high school (1986)

My second year in Atlanta
I became an intern at A&M Records
I became a more confident young man
My skin wasn’t bad anymore and I wasn’t chubby
I was becoming me!

So Janet I thank you
For letting me know I was beautiful
And that there is life beyond the velvet rope
And for showing me
How to be sexy just being myself!

Written by Mose Xavier Hardin II