Exclusive:Ray Cunningham Speaks on gay bashing incident

I just spoke with Ray Cunningham on the gay bashing incident that took place over the weekend in LA at the taping of season 3 reunion show of College Hill which will air on March 6 and this is what he had to say on the incident. "i'm not gonna let anyone disrespect me. at the end of the day, regardless of my lifestyle preference, i'm still a man and handle business accordingly! im not exactly sure what BET will air, nothing I said or did regarding this situation was done for TV, I reacted as any human would who feels threatened and insulted!"

when i asked him the question as too do u feel BET executives handled the situation fairly and should they have nipped it in the bud before it got to far this is what ray cunningham had to say on the matter."Im not placing blame on BET or anyone else. Its the fact that our black community as a whole has so many complexs about issues about homosexuals, I feel its never properly addressed in media. I didn't ask to become an advocate for the LGBT community, but I accept the responsibility and will continue to stand up for equality. I never hid my sexuality on the show or from BET. I just didn't want my character exploited.

At the end of the day, I got the last word in and made him look stupid. You have to remember, he came to MY SHOW'S REUNION TAPING! So no, I was not "gay bashed" but it was an argument that did get heated and could have gotten out of control, hadn't security escorted him out."

And finally when asked how he reacted when it started this is what he had to say "I reacted as anyone would have if someone else was trying to get the best of them, but for me, its was 10 times more intense because it is going to air on national television. So I was not about to back down and let him get the last word. I was making jokes a him like, "if you want to try out for Freestyle Friday this aint the place homie!"