I must admit that i never got into the whole I Love New York show even from when she was on Flava of Love i am not a big reality series fan. But i am glad i did get the opportunity to meet Tiffany Pollard better know to the world as NEW York from the VH1reality series this past friday nite. Thanks to Tron of whatsthet.com and Daryl Wilson Promotion i was included along with the Winner of You Got Love for New York Contest who is from the Washington DC metro area his name is "Seven" a local make-up artist. www.myspace.com/yesseven in taking part in this event. The evening was wonderful we ate at mccormick and schmick's seafood restaurant in the heart of DC. Tiffant is a very sweet down to earth women who at the the end of the day is just a regular person but when the cameras are on she has to protray New York. No she wasnt ghetto, she wasnt a diva, she was very classy and eloquent. The people of DC Metro area came out and showed their love for her at Club Evvy later that evening and as you can tell from the pics she really had a blast.