WOW is all i can say!

your the first thing i think of when i open my eyes.
your the last thing i think of when i close my eyes.
your always on my mind, i wonder why so?
you memorize me from day one i just dont know what to do.
you got me sprung from the smile on your face to your soft touch.
those soft lips against mines, the passion in your eyes when are eyes meet as one
damn you got me sprung so fast i dont know how it happen
but i am glad it happen with the right person
you know my thoughts like no one else
you know when i am happy.
you know when i am sad.
holding you close as we lay in each other arms my my how good that feels.
good to feel that touch that you have longed for.
the touch that once you get it you want more.
you got me speechless.